Hello Oklahoma Football Nation! On Monday, August 8th we will be hosting a Twitter space alongside Hook ’em headlines. This space will begin at 6 PM CST, and we plan to go on for at least the duration of one hour! Make sure you are following us on Twitter so its easy for you to spot at the top of the screen on Twitter!
Red River Twitter Spaces?
— Stormin In Norman (@StorminInNorman) August 5, 2022
Attention to all of our followers and readers @HookemHeadlines and @StorminInNorman will be hosting a space on Monday at 6 CST! We will talk about fall camp, projections and more! Fans will be welcome to speak and interact!
What are Twitter Spaces?
Twitter spaces are virtual audio-based chat rooms on Twitter. They are best used on mobile devices, as any other device would not allow you to speak, though you could listen from non-mobile devices. The platform allows for several speakers, a host, and two co-hosts to manage the group. These spaces have been great tools for uniting and introducing fans to one another.
Okay, so what is this space for tomorrow?
We at Stormin’ In Norman will be hosting space to discuss summer camp, recruiting, and other college football-related topics with our friends at Hook ‘Em Headlines, which is the Texas Longhorns version of our site. We will provide a platform for fans of both sides, to have a little fun heckling each other, discuss football and ask questions pertaining to various topics, and share their opinions with their peers. We will discuss both Oklahoma football topics, as well as Texas football topics including talk about the inevitable move to the Southeastern Conference.
Are you totally lame if you do not show up for this event?
Truth be told, it would be hard to argue otherwise! Be there or be square! Show out Sooner Nation! Oklahoma football is right around the corner! Represent the Sooner fanbase with integrity!