It’s now up in the air whether there will be an all-new Oklahoma basketball facility in the near future, or whether Lloyd Noble Center will remain the home of Sooner hoops.
Earlier this year, plans were announced that included a new Oklahoma basketball arena that would serve as a centerpiece for a proposed new mixed-use entertainment district in the northern portion of University North Park in Norman.
The OU Foundation, which is behind the University North Park development proposal that included a 10,000-seat arena, an expo center, single- and multi-family housing, office space and a park was seeking assistance from the city of Norman to finance some of the development through a tax increment financing plan, but the Norman City Council voted down the TIF request.
Without the TIF, the proposed development appears to be stalled indefinitely, if not permanently.
OU athletic director Joe Castiglione said this past week there are master plans to renovate the Lloyd Noble Center, but its would not be inexpensive.
"“It’s strong, structurally sound, and it’s obviously very functional,” Castiglione told the Oklahoma City Oklahoman. “We plan to have the Lloyd Noble Center for many years to come.”"
The LNC master plan has more to do with fan interests and needs and what they expect in their sports venues, Castiglione said.
The Lloyd Noble Center is 43 years old this year. It was opened in October 1975 and currently seats around 11,500 fans.
It would seem to me that making necessary upgrades to the existing facility over time is a much more practical way to go. I don’t see any Sooner basketball fans clamoring to abandon the LNC for a new arena, especially one that, in the planning stages anyway, is proposed to seat fewer people.
Best to stay status quo on this idea.