Eight years late, will Oklahoma get their title rematch?


WWE’s Raw 1000th episode this Monday has me all caught up in the whole “title rematch” deal. In the WWE, two guys just don’t fight once for the belt, usually there’s an implied rematch. So eight years in to the future, is it finally time for the Oklahoma Sooners to get another swing at Southern Cal?

The Trojans embarrassed Oklahoma in the 2005 Orange Bowl. While the NCAA no longer recognizes USC’s stomping of the Sooners, it is still vivid in my head. It was like Oklahoma was a farm school out in the boonies that somehow made it to the state championship game, and found themselves on the wrong side of a clobbering from those snobby rich kids who don’t even have to try to win football games.

Seriously, Lane Kiffin doesn’t have a difficult time recruiting. He asks a kid if he wants to come to USC, and before he can finish his sentence, that kid has already given his verbal and tweeted his intentions to go to USC the next fall. Then again, who can truly compete with the Trojans out on the West coast? Other than Oregon, there aren’t too many schools that are going to sway the blue chippers away from the big lights of Los Angeles. It just isn’t going to happen.

Oklahoma, on the other hand, doesn’t have those perks. They battle it out with Texas from time to time with the Texas high school recruits. Though, in general, Oklahoma has the southern part of the country to deal with, but Stoops has found several underrated prospects that have turned out to be superstars at the next level. For example, Sam Bradford.

Anyway, OU fans are over the loss for the most part. No one really brings it up anymore, and the Sooners have had so many recent woes, the 2005 Orange Bowl seems like a distant memory. But it just seems like this may be the year that OU finally gets another opportunity at knocking off the Trojans.

It would be a storyline like never before, too. Both starting quarterbacks would have legacies on the line, coaches would put their legitimacy on the table, and South Beach would be the perfect, and appropriate, setting for this epic clash of two legendary programs.

Think about it. Southern Cal in their first year back from a two-year bowl ban goes to the title game? Oklahoma’s Landry Jones has a shot at erasing every bad memory by hoisting a crystal ball following his last game in a Sooner jersey? Sounds pretty great.

The Trojans and Sooners have history, and with two offenses primed for success in 2012, all eyes would be on Miami. Whether you are rooting for one of these teams or not, this would be as intriguing as a championship game as you could get. Especially, with the playoffs looming.

The only way for these next two years to even matter is if the title game is great and the BCS bowls are interesting. Sure other teams will be vying for a spot. You can never count out the SEC, or some darkhorse no one saw coming. Just as long as Oklahoma doesn’t trip up against another inferior opponent, and Southern Cal doesn’t have one of their Thursday night breakdowns, expect to see a whole lot of red early January in the city of Miami.